SAFARI 2000 / SIO-UVA-MPI: DataThe archive hosted on this website here is for the SIO/UVA/MPI project only and will supply an interim upload and download facility for collaborations during the NSF-funded project in Germany initiated by Paul Crutzen, Jürgen Lobert and Bill Keene. FTP ArchiveTo access the ftp upload and download archive at, please contact Jürgen to request a username and password. For security purposes, all ftp access attempts will be logged along with their IP addresses. Please do not give out the username and password that you receive to anyone else. Instead, refer interested persons to Jürgen or this web page here.All uploaded files will be moved out of the ftp site and stored on the web server. You will be able to access them here, see next link.
Data policiesThe SAFARI data policy can be viewed here: PDF file - 20kbThe data policy of this project can be viewed here: data.policy.html
NOTE: By downloading or using any of our data sets, all users implicitly agree to abide by both data policies mentioned above, whichever is more restrictive.
Data downloadWhen you are ready to download some data, please go here to access the listing of available files.Copyright © 1998-2001, Jürgen M. Lobert |