Jürgen Michael Lobert
Contacts & Info
Postal address:
Entegris Inc.
10 Forge Park
Franklin, MA 02038
Tel: +1 508 553 8364 (office)
Fax: +1 508 553 3901
Email office:
Curriculum Vitae
Pick your preferred style (all Acrobat PDF documents):
Bio Sketch (1 page, 35 kb)
Full CV, complete list of publications and presentations (22 pages, 175 kb)
Corporate-style, 5-page resume (50 kb)
Publication listing only (6 pages, 45 kb)
PDF files require Acrobat Reader version 5 or higher. It is available for free at the
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Personal homepages
Jürgen's Science Pages
Personal Pages
Art Gallery
Publications & Data
A listing of publications and data available online
Information on past and present projects
For problems with the website only, please email